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Get music on your iPhone without iTunes
Listening to music has become a significant part of our lives. Hence, we have to do everything possible to have all the songs that we actually like and enjoy listening to. If you are using an iPhone, you have probably already heard about iTunes for adding music to your device. Well, needless to say, this application is not always very reliable as there are many fails that tend to occur. What is more, Safari is forbidding you to download MP3 files from the Internet as well. How are you supposed to have music on your iPhone then? It is quite clear that there are some more tricks in the sleeves that are left before giving up and we will cover one of them in the following guide.How to access music on your phone without iTunes?
On the whole, the main idea is to use cloud services in order to handle this issue. One of the best providers out there, that is fully available for everyone and offers enough space for your files is Dropbox. It is a widely used product, tested by multiple people and proved to work.
Step 1 - Creating an account
Before starting anything, you need to have a registered account in Dropbox. This way, you receive a certain amount of space, specifically for you, where you can add or remove all the files you want.
Navigate to the dropbox site and hit the “Sign up for free” “Sign up with Google” button. Either way you choose, what is important is to open your account. Keep in mind that for a newbie, the available space is 2 GB. If you need more, you can pay and get it immediately.
Step 2 - Install Dropbox on your machine
What this will help you is that every file you put in the Dropbox software on your computer, will be transferred to your iPhone. This way you can upload music, movies and many other file types.
Step 3 - Copy and paste in the Dropbox folder all the files that you need.
Keep in mind that the process might take some time, depending on your machine and internet connection.
Some of the supported formats fro this software are: .mp3, .wav, .m4a.
A mind bending opportunity for the users is that they can access their folder any time via a browser. It is all up there waiting for you. All you have to do is enter the official site of Dropbox.
Step 4 - Get Dropbox for your iPhone
What is left, in order to play music on your device, is to actually download Dropbox for your iPhone as well. It is quite clear that this could be done with the help of the App Store. Search the application and then download it.
Step 5 - Finding your files
Once you have Dropbox for both phone and computer, you can easily upload all media from one to another. Now, to access the music files, open the application and enter your sign in details. After you are in the account, navigate to the folder, containing the music and there you go. All files listed in front of you.
NB! This process could be done in reverse if you want to upload something from your phone to computer.
The second image is taken from http://www.appdownloader.net